Bamba Snack 100G – 6 packOsem


Brand Osem
Kashrut Certificate Badatz Eda Hacharedit
Kosher for Passover Kosher for Passover
Made in Israel Made in Israel
Parve Parve
  • Badatz Eda Hacharedit
  • Kosher for Passover
  • Made in Israel
  • Parve


Bamba is a baked snack containing 50% peanuts, enriched in vitamins and iron and free of preservatives and food coloring.

Due to its uniqueness – soft yet crispy, savory yet sweet – Bamba is loved by Israelis of all ages. Bamba is the bestselling snack in Israel, accounting for close to a quarter of the snacks market. 90% of Israeli households buy Bamba regularly and every day 1 million bags of Bamba are produced.

Bamba was first produced in 1964 with a cheese flavor and in 1966 the cheese flavor was replaced in favor of peanut butter – the winning flavor that has made Bamba part of Israeli culture.

The classic Bamba package is available in 200 grams, 100 grams, 80 grams and 60 grams.


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