RainBow Trout Fillet 250- 300G (2 Portions)


Kashrut Certificate Kedassia, KLBD
Kosher for Passover Kosher for Passover
Parve Parve
  • Kedassia
  • KLBD
  • Kosher for Passover
  • Parve


A popular freshwater fish, rainbow trout has a silvery skin with hints of blue, green and pink. Along with salmon and other oily fish, rainbow trout is rich in omega-3 oil, said to help against cardiovascular disease, prostate cancer, age-related vision loss and dementia. Rainbow trout is widely available, either whole or as fillets and has an earthy flavor, which marries well with strong flavors such as lemon juice, garden herbs and butter.
While every care has been taken to remove all bones, some small bones may remain. customers should be aware of the possibility that fish may sometimes contain small bones.