Pereg Quinoa Flour 453GPereg Gourmet


SKUPereg 003-5
Brand Pereg Gourmet
Kashrut Certificate Central Rabbinical Congress, OU - Orthodox Union*
Kosher for Passover Kosher for Passover
Lifestyle Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian
Parve Parve
  • Central Rabbinical Congress
  • OU - Orthodox Union*
  • Kosher for Passover
  • Gluten Free
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • Parve


100% Quinoa Flour (Gluten Free)

Quinoa flour has a slight nutty earthy flavor perfect for balancing sweet treats. This gluten-free flour is great for baking, breading, dredging, and more.

Pereg quinoa flour is perfect for gluten-free baking. It’s a naturally great source of fiber & protein. Use Quinoa Flour in baking muffins, gluten-free cookies, add extra protein to smoothies.

Looking for a way to add extra fiber to your dinner? Try dredging your veggies in quinoa flour before air-frying them!


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