Pereg Nigella Seeds 120GPereg Gourmet


SKUPereg 001-24
Brand Pereg Gourmet
Kashrut Certificate Central Rabbinical Congress, OU - Orthodox Union*
Lifestyle Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian
Parve Parve
  • Central Rabbinical Congress
  • OU - Orthodox Union*
  • Gluten Free
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • Parve


Nigella seeds go by many names including Black Cumin, Kalonji, in Hebrew קצח, and חבה סאודה.

In addition to their many names, these little black seeds (about the size of sesame seeds) have many great applications. Try tossing some into your salad dressing or on top of homemade flatbread. These flavorful seeds are also a wonderful seasoning for eggs. 

These flavor-packed little seeds have a toasted onion-like flavor with an herby quality of oregano. They’d be perfect sprinkled over cream cheese on top of an everything bagel. 

100% Nigella Seeds

Delicious when sprinkled over homemade flat bread. Makes a great addition to salad dressing.


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